I think that creating a healthy internal boundary system can be really important to our health and the health of our relationships! By practicing what I refer to as 'emotional boundaries', we can better take care of our emotional health and energy. So what is an emotional boundary?
An emotional boundary is the practice of differentiating my emotions and my internal experience from someone else's. The following are some examples of what healthy emotional boundaries may look like:
I accept that I am entitled to my emotional response and they are entitled to theirs.
I believe that I do not have to take ownership of someone else's emotions/actions.
I know that I cannot control someone else's emotions/actions.
I know that I cannot erase someone else's pain/discomfort.
Through the course of life, we may have developed strategies that make these statements challenging to believe. Those can be important to look at in your personal reflection or in therapy so that you can intentionally choose strategies that may be more beneficial to you in the long term.
A final comment, like all boundaries, flexibility is key!
